The Twisted World of Fiber, Hooks, Needles, Wheels and Dating after Widowhood

This is my story, and I'm sticking to it. Warts and all. I wanted to call it 'Seriously? WTF?', but that doesn't quite explain it all. Or does it?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

More Stuff I've Learned

1.                  Judy’s Magic Cast-On is magic.

2.                  Cat Bordi’s video for the cast-on is both funny and informative

3.                  Malabrigo sock cannot be made into socks on a #2 (3.0mm) circ.  At least not by me.  Drapey socks are not good.

4.                  The BF has narrow feet.  Long, but narrow.  And those gross witch toes.  You know, the one’s where the 2nd toe is longer than the big toe?  Blech

5.                  I can’t find my Knit Picks circular 1’s & 1.5’s

6.                  Knit Picks doesn’t care if I order more needles.  At .

7.                  Along with some yarn to make knitted panties.  That I need like a hole in the head. 

8.                  My daughter, who is home from college for a long weekend, cannot find her way from Massachusetts to New Jersey.  She’s only done it 20 times.  Her gps is apparently more useful when left in her desk drawer at school.

9.                  And she has absolutely no sense of humor when you ask if the exit she saw for Springfield was perhaps only meant for the Simpson’s- not her.

10.              And all that started because she missed her train, because college doesn’t teach you about having a sense of time, the realities of traffic, or friends not remembering where in the parking lot they left their car.  Although physics did teach her that you cannot get a half an hour away in 12 minutes- in a car.  Even if I was driving it.  Sigh……………

11.              College students will steal the Bunny Nugget you just made and not give a rat’s ass that you didn’t get a picture of it.  Or that it involved learning a 3-needle bind-off.

12.              3-needle bind-offs are totally cool.  And easy.  And kinda fun- but I thought Kitchener was kinda fun.

13.      Pom-pom making hasn't changed since I was in Middle School and used to make them for my roller skates.

14.              Regia 6-fadig has some weird (read: gross) color transitions. 

15.              Although, it knits up faster than fingering weight.  Duh

16.              My back is out. 

17.              Ice makes it feel better than heat. 

18.              Chiropractors are closed on Sundays.

19.              I am dreading coming to the heel of my sock. 

20.              Typing this blog is keeping me from getting closer.  lol

21.              Word refuses to accept that “lol” should not be capitalized after a period.

22.              My 7 month old Chessie likes to pee on the rug in the room the cats hang in.

23.              The cats don’t care.  Frankly, they think she’s stupid.  And gross.  I tend to agree.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hedgie pix

      Ok, I finally finished the Hedgehog, and he is in the machine felting as I type this.  I even remembered to take before pix.  lol  Thank you, Debbie for the eyelash yarn, because in a fit of stupidity, I threw all mine away figuring I would never use it again.  And of course, now I want to make ALL. THE. HEDGEHOGS.  Sigh.................

 Before felting- kinda looks like roadkill   :-)

After felting in my Kenmore Oasis, which doesn't have an agitator thingy.  He doesn't look very comfortable jammed between the iron & the gallon of distilled water, but it is holding him in the shape I need him to be.
The Oasis does an ok job of felting, I just have to run the water in the slop sink to get it as hot as possible to go in the machine.  I throw a couple of big bath towels in with whatever I'm felting, and run it through two wash only cycles.  I have no idea what yarn this is.  It had no labels.  He will have eyes tomorrow.  :-)  Still not sure what I'm doing for a nose, though.