The Twisted World of Fiber, Hooks, Needles, Wheels and Dating after Widowhood

This is my story, and I'm sticking to it. Warts and all. I wanted to call it 'Seriously? WTF?', but that doesn't quite explain it all. Or does it?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What's New?

Well, I had a great dinner with the bf.  It's so nice to cook with someone.  He knows how to cook , and we worked well together in the flea speck of a kitchen he has.  He is coming over tomorrow night after he gets off work, and staying over so he can take me to the surgical center for a procedure.  Isn't that sweet?  I think I'll keep him.  For now.  :-)
The Boy put in an offer on the house.  They sent back a counter offer.  We countered again.  They came down to their bottom line, and we said ok.  This took just one day.  The Boy is now almost the owner of a house.  I don't know who wants to throw up more, me or him.  If all goes well, he will close the week before Thanksgiving.  Think I can make them cook the turkey?  lol
And here is a picture for you viewing pleasure.  I got it from Cafe Press.
Swweeeeeet!  I will drink from this every day until I break it, and I will, because I am a klutz.

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